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Somatic Tools for Anxiety: A Polyvagal-informed Workshop

Do you feel overwhelmed? Disconnected? Frequently restless, tense or fatigued? Learn how to process and transform anxiety in this therapeutic workshop.


Somatic psychotherapy helps us regain physical and emotional wellbeing. Through body-based practices, we become attentive of our ever-changing selves…our breath, held tension, heart rate, movement patterns and posture. We begin to experience ourselves in new ways with this work. As we gently build embodiment skills, we unwind unhealthy states in favor of ease and liberation.

Join us online Feb. 3rd for an experiential workshop in polyvagal-informed tools for anxiety. Derived from 7 years of training in somatic psychology with survivors of trauma, this workshop integrates Polyvagal Theory (a theory about how trauma and the nervous system affects our perceptions and responses), Parts Work and Authentic Movement.

Together, we bridge the intelligence of the mind with the innate wisdom of the body, revealing how our experiences, relationships, and behavioral norms have shaped us. When self-awareness grows, authentic expression can emerge and obstacles to health begin to shift.


Learning Objectives ::

  • Learn the difference between fear & anxiety

  • Discover your personal somatic identifiers of anxiety

  • Learn the basics of Polyvagal Theory and build neuroception skills

  • Learn the key components of somatic therapy

  • Learn sensory tools, movement sequences and sounding & breathing techniques to minimize anxiety

  • Build interoception / somatic self-awareness

Virtual event via Zoom. Neurodivergent and LGBTQIA2+ inclusive. Pre-event resources, presentation slides and post-event references will be provided. Please reach out with any accommodation needs.

“The body can manifest mental unease and can also help heal it.”
— Psychology Today